The Planning Portal
There are a number of ways you can submit your application to us. The Planning Portal is a national website which allows you to submit your application to us electronically and at the same time talk you through the process to help you provide us with all the information we require, an easy and efficient way to conduct your business with us. You can also email us directly or post an application to us.
Planning application fees are set nationally in accordance with ‘The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2017’.
Application forms
Application forms can be download and printed, if you require a paper copy, on the Planning Portal, just follow the instructions to find the form that you require.
Please note we only require one copy of each document to be sent to us should you decide to send a paper copy.
An application form for works to trees subject of a Tree Preservation Order, and for works to trees in Conservation Areas are also available.
North Kesteven District Council implemented CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) on Monday 22nd January 2018. Therefore all applications, received on or after that date, that create floor space will need to complete the Planning Application - Additional Information Requirements Form. Please note your application can not be validated without this form. For more information please see our Community Infrastructure Levy webpages.