Planning Application Checklists


On this page you can find all Planning Application Checklists with information that is required to be submitted with your Planning Application. If you require any assistance, please do give us a call on 01529 414155.

Local Validation List

Further to a 6-week consultation in late 2023 regarding proposed Local Validation Lists for planning applications, the Central Lincolnshire authorities of City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey have reviewed the comments received, and in response, prepared a report which sets out how this has been used to shape the adoption of our Local Lists.

This Local Validation Checklist and Summary of Consultation Responses report [pdf / 308 KB] is available to view and download .

Thank you to all those who responded to this consultation.

City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey have worked jointly to develop Local Validation Lists following the adoption of the 2023 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan to ensure a consistent approach is applied, linking directly with the requirements set out in the adopted Local Plan.

The following Local Validation Lists will be used to ensure that the necessary information is provided at the point of planning applications being submitted, and to prevent any delays in validation.

The adopted local lists for all three authorities came into effect Monday 20 May 2024 (3 June 2024 for West Lindsey District Council) and form part of the validation process.

text | Local Validation Lists documents
documents | Planning Application Checklists