Planning appeals and objections

An appeal can be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate if the Council has:

  • Refused planning permission

  • Granted planning permission subject to conditions to which the applicant objects

  • Failed to Issue a decision within the statutory period

Please note that only the applicant has the right of appeal. Objectors to an application do not have the right of appeal if an application is approved. See some frequently asked questions below.

accordion | Planning appeals and objections

How long have I got to make an appeal against my planning decision?

This depends on the type of appeal that is being made and the type of application that is being appealed. Further details will be on the planning decision notice and are also available on the government website.

How much will it cost for me to make an appeal?

The appeals process is free, however, you may wish to consider other costs you may incur, for example if you use an agent or seek legal advice.

There are three methods of appeal, these are:

  • Written Representation,

  • Informal Hearing

  • Public Inquiry.

The Planning Inspectorate will decide which method will be used. If you are considering submitting an appeal the Planning Portal have provided Appeal Guidance Booklets which explain the process in more detail.

How do I make an appeal?

The simplest way to submit a Planning Appeal is online via the Planning Inspectorate.

Alternatively you can request a form using these contact details:


Write to: The Planning Inspectorate

Room 3/13

Temple Quay House

2 The Square

Temple Quay

Bristol BS1 6PN

Phone: 0303 444 5000

Can I view planning appeals?

The District Council publishes all information relating to an appeal online at planning online. Alternatively, you can make an appointment to come into the Council Offices to view the file by contacting the Planning Administration Team on 01529 414155.

Can I object to a planning appeal?

If you have objection to a Planning Application which is then subject to an appeal, we will write to you to advise you that an appeal has been submitted. We will also send a copy of any objections that were made at the application stage to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration in the appeal process. If you wish to make any further comments then you can do so by sending them to the Planning Inspectorate (details of how to do this will be set out in the letter notifying you of the appeal). You can also withdraw any previous comments made on the planning application by writing to the Planning Inspectorate.

There is also guidance available on the Planning Inspectorate website.

Appeals can be expensive and time consuming for both the Council and the applicant. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the Council’s decision with planning officers before making an appeal, to see whether an amended application could overcome the Council’s reasons for refusal.