Planning obligations provide a means of ensuring that developers contribute towards the infrastructure and the services that we believe necessary to facilitate proposed developments. Contributions may be either in cash or kind.
Planning Obligations are also used to deliver the following, for example:
Affordable housing
Payments towards required education provision
Ensuring agricultural dwellings are not sold separately from the land they serve
Ensuring residential annexes are occupied by dependent relatives and are not sold as a separate independent dwelling
Requiring infrastructure (roads, drains) to be provided
Requiring land to be dedicated and equipped as open space or playgrounds
Requiring sums to be paid for the provision of offsite infrastructure or the long term maintenance of open space
Where an applicant claims a scheme cannot support the required works and/or other contributions, developers are required to submit a Development Appraisal. This will enable the Council to assess and comment on the viability of the development proposal.
Where a proposed development scheme is likely to involve developer contributions, pre-application discussions with the planning service are strongly recommended to enable the Council to assist in resolving any foreseeable problems which may arise during the planning process. Please contact the Planning Department on 01529 414155 to discuss these.