Local Validation List Consultation

The City of Lincoln, North Kesteven District Council and West Lindsey District Council have worked jointly to develop local validation lists following the adoption of the 2023 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan to ensure a consistent approach is applied, linking directly with the requirements set out in the adopted Local Plan. These lists set out the information that is required to be submitted before a planning application can be validated. 

There are four validation lists that form part of this consultation for different application types:

  • Full application Validation List
  • Householder Validation List
  • Outline Application Validation List
  • Listed Building Consent Validation List 

Before the validation lists are approved and put into use, we are seeking your views on them. The Central Lincolnshire Local Plans Team is hosting this consultation on behalf of the three authorities over a six-week period from Wednesday 1st November 2023 until 23:59 on Wednesday 13th December 2023. 

All comments received will be considered by the planning authorities before the lists are formally adopted by the three authorities. At this point planning applications will need to be accompanied by the relevant information from the lists before they are validated. 

To read more about this consultation and to get involved please visit the consultations page on the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan website. Paper versions and response forms will be available at each of the Council’s receptions.