Public consultation is underway in connection with an outline planning application for a proposed Sustainable Urban Extension to Sleaford.
The proposals for the Sleaford West site include up to 1,400 houses, a care home, a primary school and secondary education facility, employment land, a local centre (comprising shops, health centre, community centre, hotel, pub/restaurant), public open spaces and sports pitches and a new roundabout on the A15. The application site is located east of the A15 and west of The Drove, Stokes Drive, St Deny’s Avenue and Covel Road in Sleaford.
This application is for one of two Sustainable Urban Extensions proposed for Sleaford as part of the strategy to deliver over 4,400 new houses, additional employment land and infrastructure improvements to the town over the next 20 years in line with the emerging Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and the adopted Sleaford Masterplan.
The plans and documents submitted in support of the Sleaford West application, including the Environmental Statement, can be viewed online. using the application number 16/0498/OUT. The site location plan, indicative masterplan, land use plan, landscaping strategy and designs for the new roundabout on the A15 can be viewed in the downloads section.
The Council is due to hold a public exhibition of the submitted planning application at The Source, Southgate, Sleaford on 26 May 2016 (3pm to 7pm), to coincide with the initial consultation period which will expire on 23 June 2016. A hard copy of the planning application documents can also be viewed at the District Council Offices in Sleaford, or through prior appointment with the clerk to Sleaford Town Council’.
Document | File Type | File Size |
Indicative land use plan | 854.94 KB | |
A15 new roundabout | 135.18 KB | |
Indicative masterplan | 1.8 MB | |
Site location plan | 618.35 KB | |
Indicative landscape strategy | 2.84 MB |