
Current consultations

Design Code Consultation

The Central Lincolnshire Local Plans Team are developing an authority wide Design Code for Central Lincolnshire. This will cover the whole council areas of the City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey and common design issues found in these areas.

The preparation of an authority wide design code is a new national requirement for all councils, brought into force through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023.

Design codes set out clear design requirements, or ‘rules’, for new development to follow, based upon a vision for the future of an area and design principles or priorities agreed upon with the local community. Once adopted, it will be used in deciding planning applications.

There will be several opportunities for communities and stakeholders to get involved with the development of the Design Code and the findings from each engagement and consultation stage will feed directly into what goes into the Design Code.

The first stage of engagement and consultation on the Design Code is now closed. The consultation ran from Tuesday 10 September 2024 until Tuesday 22 October 2024.

Thank you to all those who responded to the consultation. A report summarising the consultation and the responses received has been published and is available to view on the dedicated Design Code website.

Please visit the Design Code website for further details.

Previous consultations

Local Validation List Consultation

City of Lincoln Council, North Kesteven District Council and West Lindsey District Council have worked jointly to develop a set of local validation lists following the adoption of the 2023 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. These lists set out the information that is required to be submitted before a planning application can be validated.

Before the lists are brought into force, views are being sought on the validation lists in a six-week consultation. The Central Lincolnshire Local Plans team are hosting this consultation on behalf of the three Authorities and welcome your views on the local validation lists. There are paper copies available to view at each of the Councils' receptions. 

A copy of the proposed validation lists can be downloaded and viewed:

The Consultation is open for six weeks from Wednesday 1st November 2023 until 23:59 on Wednesday 13th December 2023.

You can register your comments by filling in the online form available here.

Alternatively, you can download a word version of the consultation response form, which can then be sent to with the subject title “Local Validation List”.

If you wish your comments to be recorded against one of the specific local planning authorities, please make this clear in your response, otherwise your comments will be recorded as relating to all three planning authorities.

After the consultation period, each City/District Council will consider all the comments received and amend the Local Validation List as appropriate – a summary of issues raised in the consultation responses and any changes to the validation lists will be documented in a consultation summary.

Please note, although it will not be possible to respond to specific comments, all comments will be recorded and fed into the consultation process. Once approved the validation lists will form the basis on which planning applications are deemed valid by the determining planning authority. Our Privacy Statement is available online to view. 

Planning Obligations SPD

Following the adoption of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan in April 2023, the Developer Contributions SPD, now referred to as the Planning Obligations SPD, was reviewed. A six week consultation on the proposed replacement document, known as the Planning Obligations SPD was undertaken between 5 July 2023 and 16 August 2023.

Following this consultation, the comments received were reviewed and a number of changes made to the SPD. Details of the changes made can be found in the Consultation Statement below.

At its meeting on 16 October 2023, the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee decided to adopt the SPD complete with the changes proposed and this SPD is now being used to assist in making decisions on planning applications across Central Lincolnshire.

The SPD, its Adoption Statement, the formal Withdrawal Statement of the 2018 Developer Contributions SPD, and the Consultation Statement are all available to download below.