Central Lincolnshire Local Plan

Adopted Central Lincolnshire Local Plan

At the Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee (CLJSPC) meeting on 13 April 2023, the new Central Lincolnshire Local Plan was formally adopted. It will be used in making decisions on planning applications across the City of Lincoln, North Kesteven District and West Lindsey District areas replacing the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan adopted in 2017.

The new Local Plan is pioneering in placing climate change at its core and will help ensure Central Lincolnshire is a net zero carbon area.

Links for the Adopted Central Lincolnshire Local Plan and associated documents are provided below. 

To enquire about paper copies of the Adopted Local Plan and Policies Maps, please complete our purchase a copy of the local plan form or contact the Local Plan Team on talkplanning@central-lincs.org.uk.

Please note this web site is in the process of being updated following adoption of the new Local Plan. If you have any queries, please contact the Local Plan Team on talkplanning@central-lincs.org.uk

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Energy Efficiency Verification Statement Template Guidance

The Local Plans Team and the Central Lincolnshire District Councils have jointly prepared guidance and a template for the preparation of verification statements for applications meeting the energy efficiency requirements of the Local Plan. This can be used to assist with the discharge of conditions by setting out how schemes have met the proposed standards in approved Energy Statements.

Download and view the Energy Efficiency Verification Statement Template and Guidance document.

Latest Central Lincolnshire Five Year Land Supply Report now published

The latest Central Lincolnshire Five Year Land Supply Report (2024) has now been published. The report is available to download.

Central Lincolnshire Design Code 

The Central Lincolnshire Local Plans Team are developing an authority wide Design Code for Central Lincolnshire. This will cover the whole council areas of the City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey and common design issues found in these areas. 

The preparation of an authority wide design code is a new national requirement, brought into force through the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023.

The first stage of engagement and consultation on the Design Code is now closed. The consultation ran from Tuesday 10 September 2024 until Tuesday 22 October 2024. We are currently analysing the responses which will inform the next stage of the Design Code.

For further information, please see our Consultations webpage or visit the dedicated Design Code website.

Local Validation Checklists - Adopted by Partner Authorities

City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey have worked jointly to develop Local Validation Lists following the adoption of the 2023 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan to ensure a consistent approach is applied, linking directly with the requirements set out in the adopted Local Plan. For further information about the adopted lists which come into effect from Monday 20th May 2024 please see our supplementary planning documents guidance notes webpage.

Local Plans Timetable and Local Development Scheme

The Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee approved the publication of the Local Plans Timetable and the revised Local Development Scheme, below. 

Please note the Local Plans Timetable contains details of the forthcoming Central Lincolnshire Authority-wide Design Guide, which commences in 2024. This timetable will be kept under review and will be updated if needed.

We are required to maintain an up-to-date Local Development Scheme with details of consultation stages for the Local Plan. As the Local Plan was adopted in April 2023 there is currently no timetable for reviewing it at this time, although this will be kept under review. Therefore the Local Development Scheme is published with no dates for the review at this time.

Central Lincolnshire Housing Delivery Plan approved 18 March 2024

The 2024-29 Central Lincolnshire Housing Growth Delivery Plan is an update to the 2019 version. It sets out how we intend to deliver the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan housing targets.

The new Housing Delivery Plan is available to download below, on the Local Plan page and in the Local Plan Supporting Information section of the Planning Policy Library.

Policy S22 Affordable Homes - Annual Update

The policy S22 affordable homes - annual update has been published and is available to download and view.

Latest Central Lincolnshire Five Year Land Supply Report now published

The latest Central Lincolnshire Five Year Land Supply Report (2023) has now been published. The report is available to download.

Planning Obligations SPD

Following the adoption of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan in April 2023, the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), now referred to as the Planning Obligations SPD, has been reviewed.

A draft version of the SPD was the subject of a six week consultation between 5 July 2023 and 16 August 2023. Following the consultation, all responses were considered and amendments were made to the SPD. The Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee adopted the document on 16 October 2023.

The Planning Obligations SPD (2023) has now replaced the 2018 Developer Contributions SPD.

To view the SPD and associated documents please visit the Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance Notes page and the consultation statement detailing the responses received in the consultation can be viewed at the Consultations page.

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Revised Statement of Community Involvement adopted 2023

The Joint Strategic Planning Committee at their meeting on 9 January 2023 approved a revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

The SCI outlines how the committee expects to involve and consult the public and stakeholders when preparing planning policy documents and supplementary planning documents. It also outlines how and when the public can have their say on planning applications determined by the three districts and what support will be made available for groups undertaking neighbourhood planning.

The revised Statement of Community Involvement is available to download below.

About Central Lincolnshire

We are responsible for producing the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan which will contain planning policies that relate to the delivery and management of development in Central Lincolnshire.


Details of current Central Lincolnshire Local Plan consultations

Local Plan Review - Adopted

The Local Plan Review is proposed to replace the Local Plan adopted in 2017. It addresses a range of issues such as climate change, housing, employment, shopping and more.