Local Validation List
Further to a 6-week consultation in late 2023 regarding proposed Local Validation Lists for planning applications, the Central Lincolnshire authorities of City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey have reviewed the comments received, and in response, prepared a report which sets out how this has been used to shape the adoption of our Local Lists.
This Local Validation Checklist and Summary of Consultation Responses report [pdf / 308 KB] is available to view and download .
Thank you to all those who responded to this consultation.
City of Lincoln, North Kesteven and West Lindsey have worked jointly to develop Local Validation Lists following the adoption of the 2023 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan to ensure a consistent approach is applied, linking directly with the requirements set out in the adopted Local Plan.
The following Local Validation Lists will be used to ensure that the necessary information is provided at the point of planning applications being submitted, and to prevent any delays in validation.
The adopted local lists for all three authorities will come into effect Monday 20 May 2024 at which point these requirements will form part of the validation process.
text with background | Planning Application Checklists
text | Supplementary Planning Documents and Guidance Notes
Local Validation Lists documents
Planning Obligations SPD
The Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) was adopted in October 2023 and replaces the 2018 Developer Contributions SPD. It is intended to:
- explain how developer contributions will be secured;
- clarify the relationship between planning conditions, planning obligations and the Central Lincolnshire Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and;
- provide a mechanism to help ensure the timely provision of infrastructure to support growth
Please note, that the Affordable Homes information is updated annually inline with both the Policy S22 and the requirements of the SPD. Information on the Commuted Sum and First Homes can be found in the Annual Update. Any price change will come into effect from 1st April and will run for the fiscal year.
Below are the relevant documents relating to the SPD:
Details of the consultation on this SPD can be found on the consultations page.
City of Lincoln Houses in Multiple Occupation SPD
This document has been produced to help guide developers and decision makers on the implementation of policy S25 Sub-division and multi-occupation of dwellings within Lincoln.
Energy Efficient Design and Construction
To help applicants and decision makers with energy efficiency policies S6, S7 and S8 a design guide and associated checklist have been produced and are available below:
Biodiversity Net Gain Guidance Note
To help applicants deliver biodiversity net gain as required under Policy S61 and statutory biodiversity net gain a guidance note has been prepared and is available below. This will be kept under review and will be updated upon further updates to legislation.
Health Impact Assessment for Planning Applications - Guidance Note
This document has been produced to help guide developers and decision makers on the implementation of policy S54 Health and Wellbeing in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan. This is new guidance, and we are therefore keen to learn from users about what is good, bad, unclear or missing from the guidance. We anticipate updating the guidance, learning from experience, as and when appropriate to do so. To be clear, it is guidance not policy. The policy for decision making remains that as set out in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan, April 2023.