Restrictions on Permitted Development Rights

Permitted development rights are provided by the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (the GPDO). This allows certain types of development to proceed without the need for planning permission.

The most commonly used permitted development rights relate to dwelling houses. The GPDO permits householders to undertake some alterations and minor extensions as well as to erect certain buildings and structures within the curtilage of a property, without planning permission. The Council sometimes removes all or some of these rights on large developments or single dwellings by conditions attached to planning permissions.

The Council also has the power to remove permitted development rights on a site or one or more individual buildings by the making of an Article 4 Direction.

To check if your permitted development rights have been removed, or to check if any work you are proposing falls within “permitted development rights” contact the Planning Department on 01529 414155.

The government's Technical Guidance website provides guidance on householder permitted development, which allows improvement and extension of homes without the need for a planning application.