Local land charges

NKDC has successfully migrated our local land charges service to the national HM Land Registry digital register. You can make LLC1 enquiries by accessing the new digital service at HM Land Registry through a portal accountBusiness Gateway and on GOV.UK. All web links will open in new windows.

The Council still provide replies to CON29 enquiries. Our usual service response is two-three working days. Please remember to pay only the required CON29 fee when submitting a CON29 enquiry to us from 9 December 2021. 

For more information on the national HMLR migration programme please visit the HM Land Registry Local Land Charges programme page.

accordion | Local land charges

Local Land Charge Search (LLC1)

Local Land Charges LLC1 searches in the North Kesteven area can be obtained through your portal accountBusiness Gateway and on GOV.UK.

A Local Land Charge is a restriction or obligations imposed on land or property or a financial charge, which is binding on successive owners of occupiers of land or property.  These include restrictions such as Tree Preservation Order, Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings, Legal Agreements and conditions imposed on Planning permissions.  Details of any charges that are registered to land and property are listed in the District Council’s Local Land Charge Register.  

What is a CON29 enquiry?

The Council carries out CON29 enquiries which is made up of a list of prescribed questions covering matters such as planning, maintenance of highways and building control.

There is also an optional form called a CON29O (Optional) which contains a list of 19 different subjects each with its own range of questions which you may wish to have answered.  There is a fee for each question, details of the present fees are available on the Fees and charges page.

North Kesteven District Council will respond only to a follow-up enquiry arising from a CON29 enquiry. Any follow-up queries from search reports provided by other search providers must be referred back to the provider.

Benefits of ordering a CON29 enquiry from North Kesteven District Council

The CON29 enquiries are carried out by a team of experienced and dedicated staff and backed up by an extensive knowledge bank of staff who specialise in the aspects covered by the search enquiries.

We have an easy to use one page request form which you can download and email to land_charges@n-kesteven.gov.uk which features a receipt facility so you know when the order has been received at the Council offices.

Our fees are competitive and our turnaround is 2-3 working days.

Our planning history is available online where you can find planning decision notices and download free of charge. If you can’t find what you are looking contact the Land Charge or Planning Services section for help.

Personal searches

The Council has a statutory duty to make the Local Land Charge Register available to any person wishing to carry out a personal search.