Please note that this online form is hosted on the City of Lincoln website as the two authorities work together to provide the revenues and benefits service in our area.
When you made a claim for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Support (or both), you declared you would let us know promptly of any change of circumstance for you or anyone living with you that could affect your claim.
We need to know about any change of circumstances
For example:
If you move home
If someone moves in or out
If your income changes
If your rent changes
If you qualify for another benefit
If you stop getting Income Support or Jobseeker’s Allowance
If anyone living in your home has a change of circumstance
This is not a full list. If you are not sure whether to tell us something, just ask us.
We will need to see proof of any changes
A letter from your landlord telling you of a change in your rent or a new tenancy agreement
Your latest payslips to show the new amount you get as wages
A letter from the Department of Works and Pensions or Inland Revenue showing changes in your allowances or Tax Credits
We also need the same sort of proof of changes for other people who live with you. If you cannot get proof immediately, send the form and any documents you do have now and send any other proofs as soon as you can.
We need original documents, not copies. Either deliver the documents and form by hand, or send them to us. We will return any valuable documents to you by recorded delivery.
You can tell us about a change in your circumstances by completing our online change in circumstances, or by calling us on 01529 414155.
Why you need to report your changes immediately
Any delay in telling us about a change in your circumstances could seriously affect your benefit. If you delay telling us about changes that could reduce your benefit:
You will have to repay any overpaid benefits if you delay or fail to tell us about a change in circumstance
If you delay telling us about changes that could increase your benefit:
Your claim will be updated from the Monday following the date you tell us, not from the date of the change
If you fail to tell us about a change at all, then you could be prosecuted for benefit fraud.