Housing Benefit Landlord Portal
This portal is for Landlords who receive Housing Benefit payments direct for customers of North Kesteven District Council.
If you are also a Landlord within the City of Lincoln, there is another portal on the City of Lincoln Council website.
These are separate systems. If you have tenants in both areas, you will need a login for each portal. You can complete one form, but you must indicate you want both portals.
Within the portal you can:
- sign in anytime to check your payments and 3 years data (download the information in CSV format - following a payment in your bank you can sign in for a breakdown of who these relate to, we will not issue paper/email schedules)
- view your tenants Housing Benefit status
- view your tenants Housing Benefit notification letters and receive these via email
- maintain your own users
How to register
If you wish to register for either City of Lincoln Council, North Kesteven District Council, or both, email the revenue support team at City of Lincoln Council and:
- ask for a unique code
- supply your name, address and landlord number - this can be found on your letters and schedules
We will verify your identity from the information we hold and, if this matches, we will post a unique code to you.
Add the unique code to the declaration form and email this form to the revenue support team. Please include "landlord portal" in the subject line for verification and security purposes.
You can add your own users within the portal to sign in. If you want your users to receive emails you need to email the revenue support team after you have added the users within the portal.
Any information you view and provide which is personal data will be handled by City of Lincoln Council and North Kesteven District Council (the Shared Revenues and Benefits Service) in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation including UK GPDR and the Data Protection Act 2018. You must take steps to ensure that your own use of this data is in accordance with these Laws. Any suspected abuse of this data will result in suspension from the Landlord Portal, pending an investigation and may result in criminal prosecution.
For information in relation to how the Shared Revenues and Benefits Service use and protect personal data in accordance with the Law, see City of Lincoln Council's full privacy notice.
If you have Housing Benefit queries regarding payments or status of a claim, please email:
Once registered you can sign into the Landlord Portal.
If you have any issues signing in please email the revenue support team.