This map
The map below shows the location of Trees covered by conservation areas or Tree Preservation Order (TPO) within North Kesteven. The areas highlighted green indicate that a tree or number of trees in that area are covered by an order.
If you click on a green area, further details will be displayed, including the TPO reference and a link to the order.
If you are proposing works to trees that may be protected, please contact:
Trees within conservation areas also have statutory protection - please see our webpage 'Trees in conservation areas' for further information or contact the tree officers for advice.
Important note
The majority of TPOs on record were served prior to April 2012 when the legislation pertinent to tree preservation orders was updated.
Changes to the tree preservation order (TPO) system in England from 6th April 2012.
The Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation) (England) Regulations 2012 introduced a single set of procedures for all trees covered by tree preservation orders.
- Orders made before 6 April 2012 continue to protect the trees or woodlands they cover.
The legal provisions listed in Orders made before 6 April 2012 have been automatically cancelled and replaced by the provisions in the new regulations.
Only the information necessary to identify these Orders (details of the making authority and the TPO reference) and identification of the trees or woodlands they protect (first schedule, listing the protected trees and the map showing their location) are now relevant to all TPOs.
There is no need for Orders made before 6 April 2012 to be remade, amended or reissued.
The new provisions can be viewed online on the government legislation website.