Viewpoint panel
Any North Kesteven resident aged 18 or over can join the panel to have their say on Council’s services, plans, proposals and their local area. Currently, there are 200 members of the public who are part of the panel.
Purpose of the panel
As a panel member you are asked about 3 times a year to complete a survey, such as the Residents’ Survey or the NK Plan Consultation survey. Occasionally, you may also be invited to attend consultation exercises, such as group discussions or workshops. The opinions given by the panel are used to monitor and improve Council services and help the Council make decisions on a wide range of issues, plans and proposals.
The Council really values the members of the Viewpoint panel as that is one of the ways that the Council uses to keep in touch with the views of North Kesteven residents.
Feedback of results
The results of our consultation exercises are published on the Council’s website.
Do you want to have your say?
You are welcome to join the Panel by contacting the Corporate Information Team.