Services provided by Lincolnshire county council

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Gritting routes

Precautionary salting is carried out by Lincolnshire County Council and the Highways Agency.

View gritting routes

Concessionary travel bus passes

Residents in Lincolnshire who qualify for a bus pass under the English National Concessionary Travel Scheme should apply for a free bus pass on the Lincolnshire County Council website.

Blue badge scheme

Disabled badge holders may park their vehicles in either designated disabled bays or standard bays ensuring that the disabled badge/parking permit is clearly displayed.

To find out how to apply for the Blue Badge Scheme, visit the Lincolnshire County Council's Blue Badge Scheme webpage.

Interconnect and CallConnect

InterConnect/CallConnect is a quality network of connecting local bus services designed to improve public transport links to destinations throughout Lincolnshire, making travel by bus easier, quicker and more efficient. For full details please visit the Lincs Bus CallConnect webpages.


Highways are maintained by Lincolnshire County Council. You can report highways faults, such as pot holes, using Lincolnshire County Council's faults and maintenance webpages.

Bus services and timetables

Details on bus services can be found on the Lincs Bus website.