Parking in North Kesteven
North Kesteven District Council operates several car parks within the town of Sleaford. There are both long stay and short stay car parks for those who work in the town and also those who visit the town to shop.
All car parks that are run by North Kesteven District Council have a fee payable between 08.00 - 18.00. Outside of these hours, you can park in these car parks free of charge.
In every car park, provision is made for Disabled Badge Holders who may park free of charge but who must display their blue badge and are asked wherever possible to use the designated bays.
The locations of each of the car parks below are given in the what3words format.
There are currently no EV charging points in any of the Council car parks.
Payment for parking is at the car park machines at each site. The machines offer a cash and cashless payment option however, it is important to remind users of the car park that payment must be made by either option before leaving their vehicle.
accordion | car parks and permits
Car park hours, location and costs
Eastgate (The Hub: National Centre for Craft and Design)
Eastgate (The Hub: National Centre for Craft and Design)
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
Free for up to 1 hour
£1.50 for up to 3 hours
£3.50 for over 3 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
Free for up to 1 hour
£1.50 for up to 3 hours
£3.50 for over 3 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Eastbank (Sleaford Leisure Centre)
Eastbank (Sleaford Leisure Centre)
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
£2.80 for up to 4 hours
£5.20 for over 4 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
£2.80 for up to 4 hours
£5.20 for over 4 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Moneys Yard off Carre Street
Moneys Yard off Carre Street
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£1.30 for up to 1 hour
£2.10 for up to 2 hours
£3.10 for up to 3 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£1.30 for up to 1 hour
£2.10 for up to 2 hours
£3.10 for up to 3 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Cogglesford Watermill (Eastgate)
Cogglesford Watermill (Eastgate)
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
£2.80 for up to 4 hours
£5.20 for over 4 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
£2.80 for up to 4 hours
£5.20 for over 4 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Station Road
Station Road
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
£2.80 for up to 4 hours
£5.20 for over 4 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
£2.80 for up to 4 hours
£5.20 for over 4 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Brydone Way off Grantham Road
Brydone Way off Grantham Road
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.50 for up to 2 hours
£1.00 for up to 4 hours
£2.00 for over 4 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.50 for up to 2 hours
£1.00 for up to 4 hours
£2.00 for over 4 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Westgate (Playhouse Yard)
Westgate (Playhouse Yard)
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£0.70 for up to 1 hour
£1.00 for up to 2 hours
£1.40 for up to 3 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
Church Lane (Sleaford Methodist Church)
Church Lane (Sleaford Methodist Church)
Weekday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£1.30 for up to 1 hour
£2.10 for up to 2 hours
£3.10 for up to 3 hours
Saturday hours
Ticket required between 08.00 - 18.00
£1.30 for up to 1 hour
£2.10 for up to 2 hours
£3.10 for up to 3 hours
Sunday and bank holiday hours
Location (what3words)
text | but a table really parking
Car park income
Income from car parks
Financial Year
Total income figure for off-street parking for all car parks
Total income figure for on-street parking for all car parks
Total revenue from parking enforcement notices/parking fines
Total cost of car parks
text | but really another table carpark specs
Please note that West Gate car park currently remains closed.
Car park information
Car Park Name
Number of spaces
Number of disabled spaces
Owned by
East gate
Sleaford Town Council
Money's Yard
North Kesteven District Council
Station Road
North Kesteven District Council
Church Lane
North Kesteven District Council
West Gate
North Kesteven District Council
Cogglesford Mill
North Kesteven District Council
East Banks
Grantham Road
North Kesteven District Council