Supplementary Planning Document – Lincoln South East Quadrant

The allocation of the Lincoln South East Quadrant Sustainable Urban Extension was enshrined in the adoption of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) in April 2017. The development of a series of Sustainable Urban Extensions (SUEs) around Lincoln through the CLLP is a policy mechanism to meet local housing growth in a sustainable manner by providing development close to the city alongside a full range of on-site infrastructure and facilities: schools, shops, commercial uses, public open space, sustainable transport measures etc. The allocation anticipates the development of the site in a phased manner with around 3500 new homes constructed during the plan period to 2036, with further growth beyond that period to around 6000 new homes in total.

As part of the preparation for the Examination in Public for the CLLP, a draft ‘Framework Plan’ for the SEQ was agreed between the Council, principal landowners and developers and this was subject to public consultation in the affected  parish areas in 2016. This draft Framework Plan was then presented in the Council’s evidence to the Local Plan Inspectors.

In early 2020 the decision was taken to build upon the work already undertaken to develop the draft Framework Plan into a Broad Concept Plan and Design Codes for the South East Quadrant in line with policy LP28 ‘Sustainable Urban Extensions’ of the CLLP.

The Broad Concept Plan and Design Code have been subject to consultation as follows:

  • The Broad Concept Plan is based upon the draft Framework Plan referenced  in evidence to the Examination in Public for the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan;
  • The draft document has been subject to formal and informal consultation including:
  • Local Ward Member workshops on 10 March 2020 and 2 July 2020
  • Engagement with statutory consultees and landowners/developers; and,
  • A 6 week formal consultation for all stakeholders (residents, Parish Councils and statutory consultees), including 2 web-based public meetings, between 27 July and 9 September 2020.

A report on all consultations received, along with the council’s response and proposed amendments, was placed before the Council’s Executive Board on the 3rd December 2020 when the Broad Concept Plan and Design Codes (Nov 2020) were formally adopted as Supplementary Planning Document capable of being given significant material weight in the determination of planning applications within the South East Quadrant.

The Broad Concept Plan identifies in principle the disposition of land uses and infrastructure, and this then is used to identify a series of character areas. The Design Code then explains the 12 individual character areas in terms of their influences and this then informs the various design factors that development within these character areas should respond to in terms of issues such as height, massing, landscaping, appearance, access etc. In addition, there are overlapping character areas that describe the streetscape and provision of open space, as well as detailed guidance on appearance, sustainable construction, cycle storage etc. The need for development to respond to climate change and biodiversity are identified. This all builds in to a comprehensive set of criteria for use by developers, stakeholders and the Council in judging the appropriateness of individual proposals.

All applications submitted following the adoption of the Broad Concept Plan and Design Codes are required to be supported by a report detailing how the proposals respond to, and are in accordance with the planning guidance. As such the document should be read as a whole.

The council operates a comprehensive planning advice service, developers are encourage to contact the planning team at an early stage in developing their proposals. If you require any further information or if you would like to purchase a paper copy of the guide at the cost of £15, please contact