Scheduled ancient monuments are nationally important sites that are given legal protection by being placed on a list (known as the ‘schedule’).
Once on the schedule, scheduled monument consent is needed before any works can be carried out that would affect the monument.
Scheduled monuments are not always ancient, or visible above ground. There are over 200 ‘classes’ of monuments on the schedule, and they range from prehistoric standing stones and burial mounds, through the many types of medieval site - castles, monasteries, abandoned farmsteads and villages - to the more recent results of human activity, such as collieries and wartime pillboxes.
Scheduling is applied only to sites of national importance, and even then only if it is the best means of protection. Only deliberately created structures, features and remains can be scheduled.
Details on ancient monuments within North Kesteven can be found via the Local Plan.
Further details can also be found by visiting the English Heritage website.