RAAC - position statement


RAAC in buildings could be an imminent risk to the structural capacity of the building and a significant risk to occupiers from structural collapse or building/material failure.


In 2019, SCOSS published a safety alert ‘Failure of Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) Planks’ which identified concerns about the structural safety of this form of construction.

In August 2023, the Department for Education released a statement to say all areas affected by RAAC in education settings must be closed and evacuated.

On 1 September 2023, the Local Government Association wrote to all Local Authority Housing Directors stating at that stage no evidence suggesting RAAC is prevalent in social housing stock. A national overview of the prevalence of RAAC in local authority housing stock does not currently exist. Given that RAAC is a construction material known to be used by municipal architects from Mid-1950s through to 1980s, it is plausible that there could be incidences of RAAC in local authority social housing stock.

On 7 September 2023, the Regulator for Social Housing wrote to all local authority Chief Executives outlining the following:

  • The failure of RAAC components has been identified as a risk in some public buildings
  • Current understanding is that RAAC is not widespread in social housing, but may be present in a small number of buildings ie flat roof and panel structures.
  • Ensuring the safety of tenants and residents should be the highest priority
  • Landlords to ensure that they have a good understanding of their homes, including whether homes contain RAAC components and the risk to tenant safety arising from these, develop proportionate mitigation and remediation plans where required; and seek suitably qualified advice where necessary.
  • Communicate appropriately with tenants where this is an issue.
  • Inform RSH if identify issues to suggest non-compliance with any Regulatory Standards

Implications and considerations

This Council reviewed the data currently held on both housing stock and non housing assets. It was identified that the Council does not hold explicit data confirming the use or not of RAAC in its buildings. Whilst recognising it is unlikely that RAAC is prevalent in any of the Council’s buildings given the guidance of 1950s-1980s construction period, it was appropriate to further investigate to determine any incidences of RAAC in any of its buildings.

In the unlikely event of RAAC being identified within the construction of its buildings we will seek professional qualified advice to determine remedial actions required. If any incidents of RAAC are found within our housing stock, we will ensure affected tenants are informed and involved in the proposed remedial works, this may include temporarily moving out for the duration of the work.


The following actions have been taken to secure assurance on current Council owned assets:

  • During w/c 04/09/2023 an initial review of the housing and non-housing assets was carried out by Property Services Manager, Assistant Director of Property Development and Property Development Manager. This review established there is no known RAAC in the assets for North Kesteven District Council.
  • During w/c 11/09/2023 a desktop assessment of the non-housing stock was carried out by Property Services Manager and Asset Manager. This further confirmed no RAAC present. However, three sites were identified with exposed concrete beams, and for full assurance a Structural Engineer was engaged to check they are not RAAC. All locations have been inspected and confirmed by Dice Consultants as having no RAAC present on 22/09/23.
  • A further, secondary desktop assessment of the housing stock will be carried out by Property Development Manager during October 2023.
  • The outcome of these actions has confirmed RAAC is not known to be present in the Assets owned and managed by North Kesteven District Council
  • This position will be recorded at the Council’s Asset Management Group by Assistant Director of Housing and Property Services.

Next steps

Whilst our assessment is there is no indication of RAAC in our social housing stock, the secondary assessment during October 2023 will involve an independent specialist, and inspection where appropriate, of a sample of sites to provide further assurance. This position statement to be updated accordingly.

To inform tenants of the risk of RAAC, the actions undertaken by the Council and current assurance at the lack of RAAC in its housing stock.

Property Services Manager to be the Councils single point of contact for RAAC enquiries, FOIs, etc and the final reporting to conclude NKDC does not have RAAC within its assets.

Further information