Paying your rent

info box | debt respite scheme

The Debt Respite Scheme (Breathing Space) is in place from 4th May 2021, which may give someone in problem debt the right to legal protection from their creditors – through either a standard or a mental health crisis breathing space.  For further information please see the Breathing Space information on

button | Pay your rent
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accordion |paying your rent

How we calculate your rent

The Government tells us how to work out your new rent (this includes Councils and Housing Associations).

Because the formula for the increase changes from year-to-year, we send you information on how it has been calculated with the letter telling you what your new rent will be in April every year. We always give you at least four weeks’ notice of the increase in rent.

Rent is the money you pay to the Council for your home and the other housing-related services you receive. It is a weekly charge that is due in advance every Monday. It is the tenant’s responsibility to pay it on time. If it is not paid, then arrears of rent are created. If you do not pay your rent in full every week, then your payments must be in advance.

Even if you are getting benefits, it is up to you to make sure your rent account stays up-to-date.  

We can refer you to the Council’s Money Advice Service for advice on benefits and help in managing any debts you may have, not just rent arrears.

Why you must pay your rent

Your rent is part of your legally binding tenancy agreement. If you keep a clear rent account you will be able to:

  • Transfer to another property if you are on the transfer list and have enough points
  • Swap homes with another council or housing association
  • Obtain a good reference from the District Council if you want to buy your home
  • Have your non-secure tenancy made secure, giving you more rights and security

Our commitments to you

We will:

  • Listen to and respond to all enquiries fairly and consistently
  • Send a rent statement to all current tenants every 13 weeks
  • Refund credits on rent accounts within 28-days of receiving a request in writing
  • Visit you at home if you ask us to
  • Provide information in different languages, Braille, large print and on audio tape if you require it

The rent year

Your rent is calculated on a 48-week year rather than a 52-week year and runs from April to March. If all your payments are up-to-date, there will be four weeks when you pay no rent. These are the two weeks over Christmas and New Year and the two weeks at the end of March.

How to pay your rent

Direct Debit

Many people find it convenient to pay rent like other household bills, by monthly Direct Debit and there are good reasons for this:

  • Direct Debit is quick, easy and convenient
  • No queues or special journeys to make
  • It’s safe and guaranteed
  • Peace of mind knowing that bills are never forgotten
  • A choice of payment dates
  • Direct Debit collection saves costs for the Council - our aim is to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Council Services. 

If your bank does not support Direct Debits and you wish to pay using your bank please contact your Neighbourhood Officer for further details. If you would like to set up a Direct Debit please print and complete the Direct Debit form and return to us.

Online Payments 

You can pay your rent and other charges using a debit/credit card via this website. You will need your reference number to make a payment this way.  This can be found on your quarterly rent statement or swipe card, it will begin “50…”

You can make an online payment on our online payments page.


Telephone Payments

You can also make a debit/credit card payment using our automated service (open 24 hours) by telephoning 01529 308180

You will need your reference number to make a payment this way. This can be found on your quarterly rent statement or swipe card, it will begin “50…”

Bank Payments

You can make payments to our bank account directly from yours. To make a payment via bank transfer you must use the following information

Bank Name: NATWEST
Account Name: North Kesteven District Council
Account Number: 00000000
Sort Code: 57 02 77
Reference: Your rent reference number (This can be found on your quarterly rent statement or swipe card, it will begin “50…”). 

Swipe Cards

Swipe cards are another way to pay. You can pay your rent in person at Post Offices and Payzone outlets anywhere in the country.  Simply hand your swipe card to the attendant and make your payment directly to your rent account.  Post Offices and Payzone will not be able to access your payment records. To find your nearest Post Office or for information on PayZone outlets please visit the Allpay website.  Details of how to use your swipe card will be sent with the card.  

If you would like a swipe card sent out to you please email or call 01529 414155 and ask for the Duty Neighbourhood Officer. 

Home contents insurance

Why do I need it?

If you are a tenant who rents, then your landlord may not cover your contents as part of the tenancy agreement. It’s a good idea to consider what a home contents insurance policy would cover you for in order to help you make an informed decision on whether you need one.

Contents insurance is designed to help protect your possessions. No matter how careful you are, there’s always a risk that your belongings could be broken, damaged or stolen so home contents insurance can help provide peace of mind.

To help you decide whether home contents insurance is right for you, North Kesteven District Council have teamed up with Thistle Tenant Risks, and Great Lakes Insurance UK Limited who provide the Crystal Insurance Scheme, a specialist Tenants Contents Insurance policy.

The Crystal Insurance Scheme can offer you insurance for the contents of your home including cover for items such as furniture, carpets, curtains, clothes, bedding, electrical items, jewellery, pictures and ornaments. 

How do I get further information?

Limits and exclusions apply. A copy of the policy wording is available on request.

The Crystal Insurance Scheme is a product name arranged and administered by Thistle Tenant Risks a trading style of Thistle Insurance Services Limited. Thistle Insurance Services Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Firm Reference Number 310419. Registered in England under No. 00338645. Registered office: Rossington's Business Park, West Carr Road, Retford, Nottinghamshire, DN22 7SW. Thistle Insurance Services Limited is part of the PIB Group. 

For information about what we do with personal data, please visit our website to view our Privacy Policy.

It is important to protect your belongings and your Landlord suggests that you look for providers who are regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Thistle Insurance Services are a company that specialises in social housing contents insurance, however there are also other providers that can be found on comparison websites like Money Supermarket or Compare the Market.


Inconvenience payments

The Council does have a policy for paying compensation if the property is left without essential services, for example cooking or washing facilities. This will be explained fully before any work commences.

An inconvenience allowance of £50 is payable where a tenant has experienced one or more of the following for a minimum of eight hours: loss of cooking facilities; loss of hot water and personal washing facilities; loss of toilet facilities; loss of electricity or loss of heating (between 31 October and 1 May where there is no alternative such as gas/electric fire).

An application form can be obtained from the Tenant Liaison Officer following completion of the improvement works.

Decoration Allowances are issued in the form of a voucher. The voucher can be taken to any of the participating suppliers and exchanged for approved decoration materials to the maximum value of the voucher. A Decoration Allowance will be only paid by cheque if the tenant is unable to carry out the redecoration themselves due to age or disability. 

Communal heating charges

In most council properties the tenant is responsible for paying their own heating bills. However, in a few of our sheltered housing schemes heating is provided from a central system and distributed to all flats. In this case the council will collect a communal heating charge from the residents.

This is shown separately from rent charges and is calculated from the actual costs of heating. The council will provide evidence on how this has been calculated.

This charge is not usually covered by housing benefit.