North Kesteven District Council is committed to the investigation and prevention of the spread of infectious diseases.
A specialist team of Environmental Health Officers and support staff, working in geographical areas, carry out the investigation and control of infectious diseases. Doctors and laboratories are obliged to inform us whenever they come across certain infectious diseases.
The main infectious diseases reported to the team are:
Food poisoning (salmonella species; campylobacter species; viral gastroenteritis; E. coli)
Dysentery (Shigellosis)
Hepatitis A
Weil’s disease (Leptospirosis)
Advice notes on each of these infectious diseases are available from the Infectious Diseases document library.
The team receive numerous notifications of infectious disease, of which not all are cases of food poisoning. If you think that you have food poisoning, please contact your doctor and arrange for a stool sample to be laboratory tested. We can only deal with allegations of food poisoning arising from specific premises, if this is confirmed by your GP in this manner. North Kesteven District Council receive notifications of all food poisoning cases from the laboratory directly.
In every case an attempt is made to contact each patient in order to confirm the facts and to establish how and where the infection occurred. Advice is given on how to prevent the infection from spreading or reoccurring. In some cases this may involve taking action to close an unsatisfactory food premises.
There are many potential sources of infectious diseases as well as food. Illness can also be caused by contact with:
Contaminated water
Milk that has not been pasteurised properly
Occupational exposure
Contact with other people carrying the disease.
The team works closely with the Public Health England, particularly during large outbreaks of food poisoning and also helps with in-depth studies into a particular disease.
- - Swine flu information
- - Bird flu information