The Council is keen to encourage public involvement in its meetings. To help this, 15 minutes is set aside at each meeting of the Council, the Executive Board, Scrutiny Panels and some other Committees to allow for public questions.
If you wish to ask a question at a meeting, you should send it in writing or by E-mail to to the Chief Executive at least two working days before the meeting.
We would then advise that you attend in person and will be allowed five minutes to ask the question. Wherever possible you will be given the answer at the meeting but if this cannot be done, for example if necessary research has not been possible in the time, you will receive a written answer within seven days. Questions must relate to matters that the Council has power over, or are in its duties, or that affect the District - on any matter of local concern or local business, even if it is not on the agenda.
Further guidance about participating at meetings, and how meetings work at the Council is available by following the weblink in the useful links section.
If you would like advice on which meeting to put your question to please contact Democratic Services on 01529 414155.
Additional special arrangements are made at the Planning Committee meetings to allow applicants for planning permission (or supporters), objectors and Parish and Town Councils to comment on planning applications. One speaker is allowed from each of the categories of applicant or supporter, objector and local council. If you wish to speak at committee, you need to email. You have from the day the Committee agenda is published - usually 6 working days before the meeting - until 12 noon 2 working days before the meeting. This is the only way you can register a request to speak at a planning meeting.