
What is radon?

Radon is a colourless, odourless and tasteless natural gas found in soil and rocks. Levels vary throughout North Kesteven from parish to parish and even from house to house in the same street.

There is a lot of good advice about what Radon is and its effects on the UK Health Security Agency UKradon webpage, including the buying and selling of properties in radon affected areas. Unless a property is a council owned property we will not have any details of any measurements that may have been undertaken by the home owner as we have no duty to ask for or keep radon levels in private residential properties.

Specifically with home owners buying or selling in a radon area, the following information may be useful to you.


  • Ask the current owners if they have completed a three month radon test
  • If so, ask for a copy of the report
  • If not, discuss a retention with your solicitor and test when you move in. For further information, visit the UK Health Security Agency Measuring radon webpage

Sellers in affected areas

  • If you have previously tested your property, find the result. Contact your test provider if necessary
  • If you have not tested, the new owner will be advised to do so when they move in
  • You and your solicitor should be prepared to be asked about a retention