Please note you will receive an annual bill each year in March.
The new MyCouncilTax has replaced our old MyInfo system, therefore all previous MyInfo users will need to re-register to create an account.
To register for an account you will need the following information:
- Forename & Surname (as shown on your Council Tax bill)
- Council Tax account reference number (available on your Council Tax bill)
You will also need to provide 2 of the following:
- Your post code
- Last 3 digits of your bank account number (If paying by Direct Debit)
- Last 3 digits of your phone number (If we hold this on record)
- Online Key (This is a unique reference available on your Council Tax Bill)
To request a copy Council Tax bill please email the team at
MyCouncilTax allows you to view your council tax account online.
By signing up you will be able to:
- Activate paperless billing
- Set up a direct debit
- View your account details
- Report a move
Frequently asked questions
How can I register?
On our website you can register. You need the following information which must match your details we hold for the account you are registering for.
- Name
- Address
- Account number – either council tax or business rates
Then you need two of the following.
- Online ref (this should be on any bills issued from March 2023 - so on your next paper bill you can find this).
- Postcode (of the dwelling you are signing up in respect of).
- Last 3 digits of a telephone number we hold.
- Last 3 digits of your bank account you pay your council tax/business rates direct debit from.
Why do I have to sign up to a new system?
This is a brand-new system. We are aware some customers had log in and registration problems with the previous system, so we have worked on improving this. Due to extra security in the new system, and some accounts may be old or forgotten, we feel it’s safer to ask all customers to re-register with up-to-date details.
I think my email may have been compromised/hacked, what should I do?
Please let us know as soon as possible, we can block access to your account while we investigate this for you. We can delete the current email account and allow you to re-register using an alternative email. We would need your details for security purposes before doing this.
On the old MyInfo account I could see properties in Lincoln and North Kesteven, why can’t I now?
Unfortunately our new systems does not allow that functionality. You can sign up for both systems separately and receive notifications per authority.
What should my username be?
You can use whatever you want, you are limited to 30 characters. You can add your email address within the sign up for e-billing so it doesn’t need to match. Please note only one username can be used per authority.
I cannot see all my accounts?
Accounts with nil balance are hidden, you need to select Show all under Other account details to view them, once you have signed into the system. If you still cannot see all your accounts, this could be due to you having more than one personal identity number – this can happen if we set you up for an account but could not confirm you were the same person as a previous account. You can sign up for a new user for your other accounts.
I have an email from is this real?
We are issuing emails from this address, but please be careful when opening emails and selecting links within any email. You can hover over the title to check the actual address of an email sender, if you are not expecting an email then you can log into your account via our website direct.
Why has my change I’ve reported not shown straight away?
Not all actions/changes will instantly show within the system. Some tasks require further work by us, you will be notified via email when you have a new bill available.
I don’t know my username/password?
You can select username in the sign-up screen, you will then be emailed with any usernames you have associated with your accounts.
Go to the sign in page to find these options.
I have changed email address so I cannot access my emails to sign in?
You can either set up a new account for you new email address with a new username. If you want the same username as previously, contact us and we can delete your old account and you can register using your old username.
Where is my online reference key?
This is in brackets on your email next to your account number– if you have multiple accounts on the email, the reference is next to the account number for each account.
We are also adding these to paper bills which you can use to register. This can be used for up to 30 days from the date on your bill.
Why can’t I use the username I want?
The system will only allow one username. If this is taken, please try another.
I’m an agent why can’t I see my customers information?
Due to sensitive data within the system, especially if the customer has a Housing Benefit claim, or has moved, we cannot restrict data to only show information for the specific dwelling you are reviewing. If a customer forgets to report access is not needed for an agent, they could be sharing data when they no longer wish to.
If I don’t use my account will it end?
We are planning on deleting accounts not used in 3 years, therefore you may need to re-register after that time. We hope this keeps your data secure.
I’ve logged into my account, where is my bill?
When you are logged in, under popular services you can select View your bills and recovery notices
I've registered to an online account but didn’t get an e-bill, why?
You must also register for e-billing. You can do this within your account by selection sign up for e-billing.
Do I need to reset my direct debit each year?
No, this will be done automatically if you are already paying by direct debit. You can view this within your MyCouncilTax account.
When do I get my new year bill?
We generate new year bills at the start of March each year, ready for the new financial year of the 1st April.
If you have signed up before we bill, we will email you to advise to log in to see your new year detail.
Why don’t the emails show my balance and other information?
We feel its best customers sign into the system to view all information on the bill to confirm your full details are correct.