Council Tax Guide 2024 to 2025 - Council Tax levels

Published: 11 March 2024

Your Council Tax this year 2024/25

Council Tax amounts per property band for each authority
Authority Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H
Lincolnshire County Council £1,052.46 £1,227.87 £1,403.28 £1,578.69 £1,929.51 £2,280.33 £2,631.15 £3,157.38
Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner £202.80 £236.60 £270.40 £304.20 £371.80 £439.40 £507.00 £608.40
North Kesteven District Council £126.30 £147.35 £168.40 £189.45 £231.55 £273.65 £315.75 £378.90
Number of households per property band
Measurement Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H
Households per band in North Kesteven 14,103 13,801 13,305 7,374 3,777 1,648 428 58

The overall Council Tax for the coming year is set about 4.7% higher than in 2024/25.

The largest part of the bill is accounted for by Lincolnshire County Council which has increased its rate, by 4.99%. This means that at Band D you will be paying £75.06 more this year than last year. At Band D this is a charge of £1,578.69.

The Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner has increased the rate for policing by 4.45% which makes its charge at Band D £304.20, up £12.96 over the year.

North Kesteven District Council has increased its charge by 2.68%, which is a progressive incremental rise enabling investment in services. This makes the Band D charge £189.45, up £4.95 a year - or less than 10p per week. The Council maintains one of the lowest district charges in the county.

At Bands A to C, which account for three-quarters of homes in North Kesteven, this again gives an annual increase of £3.30 in the North Kesteven share at Band A, £3.85 at Band B and £4.40 at Band C, or between six and eight pence more per week to receive the services provided by the District Council.

In addition, in most places, parish and town councils impose extra charges for their expenses. These have changed by variable amounts so, depending on where you live you may be paying more or even less than you did last year for the services they provide. All detailed on your bill as it applies to you.

Council Tax is always quoted at Band D for comparative purposes.

See Parish Council Tax levy page for full details of Band D charges locally.

How the Council Tax collected by NKDC is distributed

Requirements by authority
Requirement Amount Percentage
District Council’s requirement £7,464,330 8.7%
Parish/Town Councils’ requirement £4,503,979 5.2%
Lincolnshire County Council’s requirement £62,200,386 72.2%
Police & Crime Commissioner’s requirement £11,985,480 13.9%

Contact us about changes and corrections

Please tell us if:

  • We’ve sent the bill to the wrong person
  • You’ve moved house
  • We’ve calculated your bill incorrectly
  • We’ve calculated your Council Tax Support (CTS) incorrectly
  • You should receive a discount, an exemption, a disabled band reduction, or CTS
  • You should no longer receive a discount, an exemption, a disabled band reduction, or CTS

Contact the Customer Services Team about benefits, business rates and Council Tax:
Phone: 01529 414155
Some services are also available online at:

Priorities for North Kesteven District Council in 2024/25

Our Economy

Two tractors harvesting in a field

To support sustainable and regenerative local economic growth and resilience, transitioning to a Green Economy working within environmental thresholds

Our Homes

A row of town houses in a typical housing development

Through the Local Plan, deliver sustainable housing growth and pursue energy efficient development to meet the current and emerging needs of all

Our Communities

A man riding a bicycle on a country lane

To enhance the health, wellbeing, safety and resilience of all our communities; inspiring and supporting a sustainable and flourishing future

Our Council

The North Kesteven District Council coat of arms in the courtyard of the council offices in Sleaford

To be a high-performing, value for money council that is agile, resilient and actively embraces the challenges and opportunities of the future

Our Environment

Cogglesford Mill in Sleaford with the river Slea in the foreground

Champion and deliver a just transition for our climate and environmental commitments and aspirations

What you get for your money

At Band D, NKDC is charging £189.45 for the delivery of its services in 2024/25. In reality most homes will pay less; £126.30, £147.35 or £168.40 per year at bands A, B and C respectively. For this you receive:

  • Refuse & recycling clearance and street cleaning
  • Planning control
  • Restaurant, pub and take-away food hygiene checks
  • Partnership on Community Safety and CCTV
  • Economic promotion and support for regeneration
  • Licensing of entertainment and alcohol provision
  • Leisure facilities and sports outreach
  • Visitor attractions and countryside protection
  • Advice on housing and homelessness
  • Administration of council tax and housing benefits
  • Action against anti-social behaviour
  • Organisation of elections
  • much, much more

Why the District Council’s budgetary requirement has changed from last year

North Kesteven District Council
Expenditure categories (excluding parishes)
Change in expenditure and income (£) Cost per Band D property (£)
Net expenditure 2023/24 7,195,500 184.50
Employee expenses, eg cost of living awards 1,996,600  
Movement on reserves (687,500)  
Other variations - net (148,000)  
Business Rates (623,500)  
Reduction in required budget for District Council elections – held in 2023/24 (268,800)  
Net expenditure 2024/25 7,464,300 189.45
Increase per Band D property: 4.95
Based on a population figure of 119,709 this equates to a cost per head of: 62.35
This equals an average annual cost per household of: 136.94