Council Tax FAQs

Here you can find the answers to the questions we get asked frequently about Council Tax and its related services.

accordion | council tax FAQs

Do I need to reset my direct debit?

No. If the instalments on your bill state that they are to be paid by direct debit, the Council will ensure that the correct amount is taken and there is nothing for you to do.

You have charged me for the full year to 31 March, but my tenancy will end before then and I will move out. Why have you charged me to the end of the year?

The Council Tax is calculated on a daily basis and the calculation takes account of known changes that will take place up to a month in advance. You should inform the Council when you know for certain, the date that you will be moving out and we will send you a revised bill charging you only for the days that you are resident in the property. If your moving out date is more than a month in the future, we will send you your revised a bill one month before your move.

I have recently moved house and my bill was sent to my previous address; what should I do?

Complete the online report a move form to notify the Council of your change of address.

Why is there a charge for adult social care? I don't receive any care.

Adult Social Care is part of the County Council’s responsibility and normally forms part of their precept. Over the last three years, the Government has allowed the County Council to increase the amount they charge to council taxpayers for Adult Social Care, but the extra increase has to be shown separately on the bill.

Why does the Adult Social Care component say it has increased by 2.0% when it appears to have gone up by nearly 20%?

You can find a full explanation of the calculation by reading our document, Your Council Tax bill explained.

Why am I paying the salary of the Police and Crime Commissioner?

The precept for the Police and Crime Commissioner goes towards paying for the services of the whole Police Force and is not just to meet the salary costs of the Commissioner. If you want further details about this, you address your enquiry to the Crime and Police Commissioner on 01522 558140.

On my bill it says that I should pay an amount immediately. Why can't I pay it in instalments over the coming year?

If there is an amount on your bill that requires immediate payment, this is because it is an outstanding amount from previous years and should be paid before 31 March.

I don't pay Council Tax because I am on benefit. Why have you sent me a bill?

We send a bill to every household for every financial year. So if you do not pay Council Tax because for example you are on full benefit, we will still send you a bill to advise you of the charge and how much benefit you are receiving. You should check the figures on the bill and supporting letters carefully to ensure that your benefit is correct. If you find any errors, please let us know.

What do I get for my Council Tax?

All the details are contained in the yearly council tax information leaflet found on our What is Council Tax webpage.

I've overpaid, can I get a refund?

If you have received a statement from us which shows that your account is in credit, you may be entitled to a refund.

Refunds are only issued in instances where a valid overpayment is made. If a payment was made by direct debit, the refund will be credited back to the bank account it was paid from.

If you have a current or future liability for Council Tax, your credit will be transferred to offset that amount. To request your refund please contact the Council Tax Office on 01529 308266.

How is Council Tax calculated?

Although Council Tax is collected by North Kesteven District Council, the charge is made up of elements collected on behalf of:

  • Lincolnshire County Council
  • North Kesteven District Council
  • The Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Parish or Town Council

Each body sets its charge (precept) independently. The charge for each property will vary depending on it’s location. A full list of charges can be found on the What is Council Tax page.

Why do I not get a reduction in my Council Tax as the street lights outside my house have been turned off?

Street lighting is a service provided by the County Council and the costs are met from the County Council’s precept. If you have any questions about the lights being turned off, you should address them to the County Council on 01522 552055. However, the Council Tax set by the County is charged to each property according to which valuation band the property has been placed by the Valuation Officer and there is no reduction in the bill for the street lights being turned off.