The final section of paving at Sleaford’s reconfigured and pedestrian-friendly Market Place is now complete.
Contractor Smith Construction has been back onsite since early January to finish a remaining section of paving around the main entrance to Market Place. Completion of this section had been delayed by sub-zero temperatures late last year and then paused until after the Christmas and New Year break.
Its team has also now installed the remaining benches around the perimeter of Market Place and completed the installation of new cycle hoops. Some finishing touches will continue, including extra repointing in some small areas and a final clean of the space.
It all means that dedicated Blue Badge holder only parking can now commence at Sleaford’s Market Place on set days each week, starting on Tuesday January 28.
Blue Badge holders only can park on Sleaford’s Market Place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays each week, in the hours between 9am-3pm. There is two hours’ maximum stay and no return within one hour. Parking attendants will be onsite to help engage with anyone who is unsure whether they can park, and bollards will prevent parking on the remaining days of the week.
Arrangements have been made directly with businesses so they can accommodate deliveries throughout the week, with up to 30 minutes loading on Market Place anytime for permit holders.
Similarly, St Denys’ Church will be able to provide specific Blue Badge access for church events and services taking place on non-parking days, agreed on an individual basis directly with the church and in advance, including for weddings and funerals. Access on to Market Place will also remain all week round for wedding and funeral cars needing to reach St Denys’ Church, again by prior agreement with the church.
Local emergency services still have the ability to access Market Place anytime for emergencies.
It means that Market Place can remain free of parked cars on market days and weekends, so that more people may enjoy the space and freely move between its businesses and venues, and it is readily available to host community events and activities. Look out for news soon on further UKSPF-funded activities in February, following on from the WinterLight weekend of free activities held in December to officially welcome people back onto Market Place.
The new sandstone setts lighten up Market Place and better reflect the historic features surrounding it, including St Denys’ Church, the newly up-lit War Memorial, the Bristol Fountain and the beautiful buildings around its perimeter. Two raised planters with benches provide a place to sit, and introduce some greenery in addition to new flower beds under the existing trees. A new defibrillator has also been installed in partnership with Shock Sleaford, in a prominent place should it be needed in an emergency. Some improvements are also planned for the bus shelter.
There is enhanced CCTV now covering Market Place via one of four new CCTV units installed last year (at Eastgate Green, Station Road, near the pedestrian crossing on Southgate, and Market Place) in Sleaford with £17,500 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. They, along with seven existing CCTV units in Sleaford enhanced at the same time with Safer Streets funding, create a larger and upgraded CCTV network for the town.
Meanwhile the number of disabled parking spaces in the bay next to Sleaford Library, which is alongside Market Place, will increase from two to three very shortly. Smith Construction is installing dropped kerbs next to the spaces, and is expected to finish these new dropped kerbs by the end of this week.
This will be followed by work later by Lincolnshire County Council to carry out the line marking works which will create the extra space.
An extra Blue Badge space was installed at nearby Church Lane Car Park and another at Money’s Yard Car Park, both in July last year, in addition to existing provision there.
Money’s Yard Car Park has also recently undergone some essential resurfacing works. It was closed for just over 30 hours last week, from 8am on Wednesday January 22 through to 4pm on Thursday January 23, so those works could take place.
Motorists can now use the APCOA app to pay for parking using their phone at all Council car parks in Sleaford. You can even extend a ticket on the go, if using the app and you need more time on your ticket. Meanwhile, work is underway to arrange the replacement of the current ticket machines with new cash and card machines.