Will you join us for a community litter pick this Sunday to tidy up Nags Head Passage in Sleaford?
We're so pleased to have members of Plastic Free Sleaford and the Rotary Club of Sleaford already set to take part, and you'd be very welcome to join us too.
We'll be assembling at the Sleaford Station car park, in the corner area just through the pedestrian gate, for 10am this Sunday January 19. Please bring gloves sturdy enough to pick up litter (gardening gloves are great for this) and a litter picker if you have one.
We'll provide the bags and the offer of a free hot drink afterwards at Cogglesford Watermill.
The Council's waste team is supporting by picking up the bags of litter collected afterwards. There are also some graffiti and weed removal works planned for a slightly later date, to help get it looking nice and tidy.