North Kesteven District Council, as part of a consortium of other local councils, has been awarded government funding to help hard-to-reach households improve the energy efficiency of their homes to reduce emissions and save money.
The Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) has awarded £300,000 to the ‘Lincs 4 Warmer Homes’ Local Energy Advice Demonstrator project, with Lincolnshire County Council supporting a joint bid from North Kesteven District Council in partnership with City of Lincoln Council, South Kesteven District Council and West Lindsey District Council.
The funding will be used to provide support to people living in hard-to-modify homes and increase uptake of government funding initiatives. These initiatives are designed to help people living on low incomes, or people with long-term health conditions that could be made worse by living in a cold home, with support to insulate their homes and change to an effective, sustainable heating system - such as the Great British Insulation Scheme, Home Upgrade Grant, Energy Company Obligation and Boiler Upgrade Scheme that already exist.
Now, a team of advisors have been recruited to run drop-in advice sessions, in targeted parts of Lincolnshire. The team will also visit people in their homes, to establish what is needed and then support people to undertake work. Lincs 4 Warmer Homes will work with health professionals to identify people with long-term health issues who will benefit the most from improved homes.
Councillor Ian Carrington, deputy leader and executive member with special responsibility for housing at North Kesteven District Council, and chairman of Lincolnshire County Council’s Environment and Scrutiny Committee, said: “I am delighted that our application for a Local Energy Advice Demonstrator has been successful. It links the housing standards, environmental and public health agendas together to improve homes, make them fit for the future, and reduce harmful emissions to the air.”
“The new team will be able to reach people who might otherwise get left behind in the transition to using clean technologies and sources of energy to heat their homes and power their appliances.”
Councillor Wendy Bowkett, the county council’s executive Councillor for adult care and public health, said: “This is excellent news for the county and will build on the work of the Lincolnshire Good Home Alliance. We want to help the people in the most need to ensure their homes are energy efficient and take advantage of the wide range of support already available. This will reduce energy bills, keep homes warm and help residents live independent, healthy lives.
“This new funding will especially support those who can’t easily modify their homes, like older people, people with care and support needs or people living in fuel poverty. We look forward to working with our district partners on the project, which will make a very real difference to people’s lives.”
For further information on the support available:
Call: 01427 675199
Email: energy.advice@west-lindsey.gov.uk
Or visit: https://lincolnshire.connecttosupport.org/lincs-4-warmer-homes