All change for bin collections this festive season

A banner reading: 'North Kesteven's Christmas Collections' is on a blue snowy background.
North Kesteven's Christmas Collections

All households in North Kesteven will see their bin collections change over the Christmas and New Year period, and so North Kesteven District Council is reminding households that there’s no time like the present to note their bin days.

Households with black bin collections which would fall on Monday 25 December must put their bin out instead on the Saturday before (23 December). Each remaining black bin collection day in that week (from Tuesday 26 December onwards) will then take place one day later than usual, including collections on Saturday 30 December which will be for bins usually out on a Friday.

Across the following week, green-lidded bin collections will also take place one day later than usual. Households whose collections would fall on Monday 1 January for example will need to put their bins out instead on Tuesday 2 January, and so on until and including Saturday 6 January. 

Please see this webpage here for the full calendar of changed collection days.

Collection days in the week after, starting Monday 8 January for black general waste bins, return to normal. 

As always, please have bins out by 6.30am on the relevant collection day. For more, sign up for waste e-newsletters via the Council's website.

No side waste will be collected, however breaking down boxes and squashing clean cans and plastic milk bottles can help maximise space. Garden waste customers are also reminded that collections reduce in December and January - check your calendar or the find my bin day page of the Council website. 

Christmas can generate lots of waste at home, but you can help cut the amount you bin by remembering ‘Reduce, reuse, recycle’. With some savvy shopping you can reduce the packaging you buy, or repurpose things like Christmas cards and wrapping paper. Sign up to the Council’s climate action e-newsletter for more inspiration. For those things that still need binning, here are some top tips: 

It’s important that batteries or electronics never go in your bins. Take any batteries or electronics to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre. Batteries can also be dropped off at collection points in shops.

Christmas cards
If there’s no foil or glitter, put in your purple or purple-lidded bin. If there is, put the glitter or foil side in the black bin to be made into electricity or make gift tags!

Wrapping paper
If plain, with no glitter or foil, put in your purple or purple-lidded bin. Take off what tape you can. If it has glitter or foil, put in the black bin to be made into electricity or make paper chains. Save gift bags if you can. Plain paper gift bags with no foil or glitter can go in your purple or purple-lidded bin with handles removed.

Tin trays and foil
Put in your green-lidded bin only if dry and clean. If dirty/greasy, put in the black bin only to be made into electricity.

Sweet and chocolate wrappers 
Clean tinfoil wrappers can go in your green-lidded bin. Make sure that plastic wrappers go in the black bin only! The plastic tubs they come in can go in your green-lidded bin, as can metal tins. Sweet bags and pouches however must go to soft plastic collection points or in your black bin only. 

Selection boxes
The cardboard sleeve can go in your purple or purple-lidded bin. The plastic tray goes in your green-lidded bin, unless brown/black plastic which is black bin only. 

Advent calendars
The cardboard outer sleeve or box can go in your purple or purple-lidded bin. The inner plastic tray can go in your green-lidded bin with thin plastic removed. If it’s made of brown or black plastic, put the whole tray in your black bin. 

Takeaway packaging
Clear or light-coloured plastic tubs and trays can go in the green-lidded bin clean and dry. Other takeaway packaging must go in your black bin only.

Christmas trees
If real – chop up into small pieces and put in your brown garden waste bin. 
Some charities offer collection, such as St Barnabas Hospice’s Tree-cycle service, or it can go to your Household Waste Recycling Centre. If artificial, take to a Household Waste Recycling Centre or donate somewhere suitable. 

If you’re ever unsure which bin an item should go in, see the Council’s Right Thing Right Bin leaflet and A-Z of recycling.

Any surplus waste or recycling that won’t fit in the right bins should go to your Household Waste Recycling Centre (see this page for opening times and details) or held back for a future collection.

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