The Localism Act 2011 contains specific rules governing Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) that apply to both District and Parish Councillors. There is a requirement for Councillors to register their DPIs and for this information to be available on the District Council website for public inspection. Failure to register a DPI is a criminal offence.
- District Councillor interest forms are published on their individual web pages
- Parish Councillors’ Register of Interest forms can be found on the web page of each relevant parish council
Councillors must not participate in any discussion or vote on any matter in which they are aware they have a DPI regardless of whether they are a Parish or District Councillor. More information can be found on our Standards page.
Redaction of home address
Nationally there have been growing concerns about the potential for threats and intimidation to councillors by virtue of disclosing their home address. As the Committee on Standards in Public Life report states: "everyone in public life must play their part in taking responsibility for combatting intimidatory behaviour".
Intimidation is unacceptable and it is vital that councillors feel able to raise concerns about intimidation, and that those in leadership positions in councils take any concerns seriously, and deal them appropriately.
Whilst some councillors believe disclosing a home address is a core component of democracy and it is important for the public to know where a councillor may live as they may be making decisions that have an impact on their property, others are concerned about it.
The Monitoring Officer at North Kesteven District Council has agreed that all councillors' home addresses are treated as sensitive interest by default and are therefore not made publicly available unless a councillor states otherwise. Councillors do still need to declare their home address if it is within the council's area; this will be redacted before publication.