Setting equality objectives is an important way for us to show our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion. Therefore, the Council has six equality objectives to help drive equality and inclusion across all areas of the Council’s work, as well as demonstrate compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty:
- Know the diversity of our community and understand its need
- Show leadership and commitment in promoting equality and challenging inequality
- Work in partnership with public, private, voluntary and community organisations to reduce the equality gaps and improve lives
- Actively engage our community to participate in decision making processes to improve the services we provide
- Provide services that meet the needs of the diversity of the community and are accessible to all
- Have a workforce where everyone is treated equally with dignity and respect, with an ongoing commitment by the Council to regularly report and review our gender pay gap
We aim to ensure that all of our customers are treated equally and enjoy equal access to our services. No one will be treated less favourably than anyone else because of their sex, age, disability, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital status or socio-economic status.
We try to ensure that information about our services is accessible to all and can produce documents in alternative formats, such as, large print, Braille, audio tape, electronic formats or in a different language.