Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulation Assessment 2017

Sustainability Appraisal

A Sustainability Appraisal is a  statutory requirement when preparing a Local Plan. It is an iterative process that informs the modification of the Local Plan at key stages in the light of the findings of the appraisal and the comments received to public consultation.

The purpose of Sustainability Appraisal is to assess the significant social, environmental and economic effects of a plan from the outset. In doing so, it will help to ensure that decisions are made that contribute to achieving sustainable development. More information on Sustainability Appraisal can be found on the National Planning Guidance website.

In Central Lincolnshire, Sustainability Appraisal has been integrated with other assessments into an Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA), which considers the effects of the Local Plan on health and equality, as well as social, environmental and economic objectives.

In May 2014, we published a draft IIA Scoping Report for consultation. The Scoping Report sets out an appraisal methodology and a framework of objectives against which the proposals in the Local Plan will be assessed. The Scoping Report was amended in light of the comments received to the consultation and a final IIA Scoping Report was published in July 2014.

A Sustainability Appraisal Report must be prepared to accompany the publication of the draft Local Plan. It must identify, describe and evaluate the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the plan policies and of the reasonable alternatives, taking into account the objectives and geographical scope of the Local Plan.

The following IIA Reports have been prepared to support the preparation of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan:

Habitats Regulation Assessment

A Habitats Regulation Assessment identifies whether a plan is likely to have a significant effect on a European site, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects. Where potential significant negative effects are identified, alternative options should be examined to avoid any potential damaging effects.

The Central Lincolnshire Local Plan has been subject to Habitats Regulation Assessment screening to consider the potential for likely significant effects from all the policies within the Local Plan. The following reports have been prepared to support the preparation of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan:

Natural England was consulted on both Screening Reports and agreed with the conclusions that the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan would unlikely to have a significant negative effect on a European site, either alone or in combination with other plans or projects. View Natural England's response.