Street trading is defined as the selling or offering for sale of any article in the street. This includes food such as burgers, kebabs, doughnuts etc. or other things such as household items.
The council only regulates street trading on certain streets in Washingborough. If you wish to trade in Washingborough you should contact the Licensing Team as you may need to apply for a Street Trading Consent.
A street trading consent is not generally required for trading on any other streets in the district, but the advice of the Lincolnshire Police and the highway authority (Lincolnshire County Council) should be sought before trading commences in any particular location.
Food traders anywhere in North Kesteven must also be registered with the environmental health food team.
You do not need a Street Trading Consent if you are:
- Trading as a Pedlar under a licence issued by a Police Authority
- A market trader operating at a licensed market venue
- A news vendor selling only newspapers and periodicals
- If you are trading on private land you may not need a consent. To confirm the situation you are advised to contact us, using the details above.
The landowner may need planning permission and you are advised to contact the council’s planning office on 01529 414155.