Hackney Carriage and Private Hire licensing application fees 2025 to 2026

North Kesteven District Council have published its application fees relating to Hackney Carriage & Private Hire licensing applications for the period 2025-26.

The fees are now subject to a 28 day consultation period, which runs until 26 February 2025.

If any objections are received in response to this notice, then on a date not later than 2 months from the expiration of the notice period, the variations shall come into force with or without modifications after consideration of any objection(s).

Any objections to the application fees should be sent to the email address below, stating the grounds thereof, before the expiration of the notice period i.e. by 5pm on 26 February 2025.

Comments can be forwarded to: licensing@n-kesteven.gov.uk

NOTICE is hereby given that North Kesteven District Council, in exercise of its powers under Sections 53 and 70 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976, has determined that the fees charged for the licensing of Private Hire and Taxi Drivers, Vehicles and Operators should vary as specified below:

Application/Charge 2025/26 Fee
Hire Driver Licence Grant (1 Year) £155.10
Hire Driver Licence Renewal (1 Year) £159.36
Hire Driver Licence Grant (3 Year) £224.14
Hire Driver Licence Renewal (3 Year) £228.41
DVLA record check £9
Change of assigned Operator £27.45
Replacement Licence/Badge £5
Driver Knowledge Test £25
PH/Hackney Vehicle New/Renew (full plate set) £138.90
PH/Hackney Vehicle New/Renew (partial plate set) £130.10
Vehicle replacement £100.84
Detail Change £27.45
Operator Change / Licence Transfer £23.53
Replacement Licence Plate (full kit) £19.86
PH Operator Licence - Grant (5 Year Licence) £212.54
PH Operator Licence – Renewal (5 Year Licence) £217.37

(Partial plate kit excludes bracket)

The above variations will come into effect on 1 April 2025. If any objections are received in response to this notice, then on a date not later than 2 months from the expiration of the notice period, the variations shall come into force with or without modifications after consideration of the objection(s).  Any objections to the above variations should be sent to the address below, stating the grounds thereof, before the expiration of the notice period i.e. by 5pm on 26 February 2025.

Objections may be forwarded to: licensing@n-kesteven.gov.uk

David Steels
Assistant Director of Environment and Public Protection
North Kesteven District Council
Kesteven Street
NG34 7EF                 

29 January 2025