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Latest news

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200+ council homes warmer this winter

200 of our council homes have been retrofitted with decarbonisation measures, making them warmer for winter and saving energy.

Billinghay residents with solar panels and air source heat pump installed at their council home.
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Final paving at Market Place now complete

The final section of paving at Sleaford’s reconfigured Market Place is complete, meaning that time-limited Blue Badge holder only parking can commence there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays each week.

A member of the Smith Construction team is crouched on the ground with a spirit level as he lays some of the final paving setts at Sleaford's Market Place. Behind him is a blue sky and some of the buildings at Market Place.
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Building Excellence celebrated and awarded

Building excellence across North Kesteven has been celebrated and showcased through regional and national awards programmes.

School House, School Lane, Wilsford
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Sandford Award acknowledges educational excellence at Mrs Smith’s Cottage

Our heritage venue receives prestigious Sandford Award

Wash day experience at Mrs Smith's Cottage